Spoiler, Fans

06-May-2019 Monday
What could be scarier than a fan who has been spoiled for an upcoming movie?

08-September-2017 Friday
'Game of Thrones' fans have found a way to predict character deaths

07-August-2017 Monday
Real fans read books.

20-March-2017 Monday
Mutants and Religious Cults: The Best Fan Theories About The Matrix

03-July-2016 Sunday
Fan reactions to the season six finale, part two

30-June-2016 Thursday
Fan reaction to the season six finale

18-December-2015 Friday
I'm a fan of the Star Wars universe and I rate episode 7 8.5 out of 10 - report in the comments (mini-spoilers)

16-June-2015 Tuesday
Game of Thrones fans now

22-May-2015 Friday
The specific tastes of Game of Thrones fans.

17-April-2015 Friday

03-December-2014 Wednesday
Where are the flowers from, Katniss?!

21-June-2013 Friday
